Motivational Bhagwat Geeta Shlokas for Leadership and Vision

The Geeta provides valuable insights on how to cultivate these qualities. It emphasizes the need for clarity of thought, self-discipline, and the ability to inspire and uplift others. By following the principles of Karma Yoga, devotion, and wisdom, leaders can not only achieve personal growth but also lead their teams toward success. These shlokas serve as powerful reminders of the qualities needed for effective leadership and the vision required to accomplish great things.

SL No.Shlok in SanskritTranslation in EnglishTranslation in HindiMeaning and Explanation
1कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।You have a right to perform your duties, but never to its fruits.आपका अधिकार केवल कर्म करने में है, उसके फल में कभी नहीं।Encourages leaders to focus on their actions, not the outcomes, and to act selflessly for the greater good.
2योगस्थः कुरु कर्माणि।Perform your duties with equanimity, without attachment to success or failure.अपने कर्मों को समता भाव से करें, सफलता या असफलता से अप्रभावित रहें।Highlights the importance of staying balanced and detached while working towards a goal, a key trait of effective leadership.
3यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjuna, at that time I manifest myself on earth.जब-जब धर्म की हानि और अधर्म की वृद्धि होती है, तब-तब मैं पृथ्वी पर अवतार लेता हूँ।Teaches that leadership requires standing up for righteousness and guiding others towards virtuous actions, especially in times of crisis.
4स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयो।Performing one’s own duty, even imperfectly, is better than performing another’s duty perfectly.अपना धर्म चाहे अधूरी तरह से करें, परंतु दूसरों के धर्म को परिपूर्ण रूप से करने से श्रेष्ठ है।Encourages leaders to be true to their purpose and responsibilities, even if the journey is difficult.
5सिद्धिमप्राप्तो यथा ब्राह्मणो।A person who attains perfection through right actions is akin to a wise and spiritual being.जो व्यक्ति सही कर्मों के माध्यम से सिद्धि प्राप्त करता है, वह एक ज्ञानी और साधु के समान होता है।Emphasizes the value of performing duties correctly to achieve success and wisdom, essential for visionary leadership.
6न हि देहभृता शक्यं।The mind is the greatest enemy of the body, and only through mastering it can one become the true leader.शरीर द्वारा मन को नियंत्रित करना सबसे कठिन कार्य है, और केवल इसे साधने से ही व्यक्ति सच्चा नेता बन सकता है।Stresses the importance of self-discipline and mental mastery for effective leadership.
7इति ते ज्ञानमाख्यातं गुह्याद्गुह्यतरं मया।This knowledge, which is the most secret and profound, I have explained to you.यह ज्ञान जो सबसे गुप्त और गहरा है, मैंने तुम्हें बताया है।Highlights the profound knowledge needed for wise leadership, indicating that true wisdom is not superficial but deeply transformative.
8मयि सर्वमिदं प्राप्तम्।One who realizes that everything in the universe is pervaded by me attains true wisdom and leadership.जो व्यक्ति यह समझता है कि ब्रह्मांड में सब कुछ मेरे द्वारा संचालित है, वह सच्चा ज्ञान और नेतृत्व प्राप्त करता है।Teaches the interconnectedness of all things, emphasizing a visionary leader’s ability to see the bigger picture and inspire unity.
9मात्रास्पर्शास्तु कौन्तेय।O son of Kunti, the experience of pleasure and pain, heat and cold, is temporary; remain unaffected.कौन्तेय, सुख-दुःख, शीत-गर्मी का अनुभव अस्थायी होता है; इसे अनदेखा करते हुए ध्यान केंद्रित रखो।Guides leaders to stay undisturbed by challenges and hardships, as they are temporary and part of the journey.
10सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य।Surrender all forms of righteousness and take refuge in me alone, I shall deliver you from all sins.सभी धर्मों को छोड़कर केवल मुझमें शरण आओ, मैं तुम्हें सभी पापों से मुक्त करूंगा।Teaches that true leadership comes from humility and surrender to a higher purpose, ensuring success through selfless devotion.

भगवत गीता श्लोक के अन्य ब्लॉग